Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

29 Projects


Sq. Feet

20 Projects

North Carolina

Sq. Feet

27 Projects


Sq. Feet

23 Projects


Sq. Feet

23 Projects


Sq. Feet

Registrations by Property Category













Banking/Financial Services




Expanding our Reach and Certification Impact

“The Green Globes assessment tool was intuitive & user-friendly. We plan on reviewing it periodically to assist in furthering both our sustainability and health & wellness goals.”
-Jason Clarke, Chief Engineer, CBRE

Green Globes registrations in 2023 by property category and followed by the top 5 states for registrations.

GBI's Total Sq. Ft. Certified Exceeds 631 Million in 2023

In 2023, GBI certified 363 building projects totaling over 84 million square feet in 37 states, Guam, and 3 Canadian provinces. By September, GBI was celebrating the increase of its sustainability impact by certifying 600 million square feet of space. At year end, that number increased to 631 million square feet that was certified with GBI’s Green Globes and Guiding Principles Compliance systems. Multifamily projects continue to lead Green Globes certifications by property type, followed by warehouse/storage, and banking/financial services. Mixed use properties topped asset class growth, with registrations increasing 125% year over year. The state of Nevada certified the most square feet, and in 2023 the state of Florida led in number of project registrations. GBI saw the most significant increase in registered projects in the U.S. in the state of Colorado, at 375% year over year. The most significant increase in Canada was in the province of Quebec at 400% year over year.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

Outstanding Projects Recognized by GBI During Earth Week 2023

GBI recognized the fourth annual Green Globes Project of the Year winners, among projects certified in 2022, during Earth Week 2023 in a virtual awards ceremony. A panel of judges selected Pinnacle XXIV/Crate & Barrel in Romeoville, IL for its Three Green Globes achievement under Green Globes for New Construction. The April 19 ceremony also recognized Runner-Up 1540 Broadway in New York, and Honorable Mention to the VA Phoenix Clinic in Arizona. Learn more about the 2022 award winners.

  • High performance exterior wall design

  • ENERGY STAR rated TPO roofing surface

  • Site stormwater management

  • A “Park like” landscape campus

  • 3.029 MW Photovoltaic system

  • 6,732 Solar panels

  • One of the largest privately developed renewable energy systems (PV) in the Midwest

  • Moving the building’s energy operations towards Net Zero

  • Use of healthy and environmentally friendly materials

  • Highly reflective surface & finishes

  • Skylights for natural lighting

  • Industrial LED high bay lighting

  • Occupancy and daylight lighting controls

  • Natural ventilation for cooling

  • Industrial style fans for air movement

  • VRF split systems (office only)

  • High efficiency heating systems (warehouse only)

Pinnacle XXIV/ Crate & Barrel Warehouse/Distribution Facility
Romeoville, IL
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year

Three Green Globes for Core & Shell

1540 Broadway Class A Office Building
New York, NY
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year – Runner Up
Three Green Globes for Existing Buildings + Green Globes Health &
Wellness Distinction

  • New direct expansion (DX) units on every floor for cooling

  • Building management systems (BMS) and Nantum software
    that monitor occupancies and control building systems

  • WaterSense plumbing fixtures

  • Elevator modifications for higher efficiencies

  • Occupancy and daylighting sensors and LED lighting for optimal
    use and efficiency

  • MERV 13 filters in offices and MERV 15 in the fitness center to
    boost air quality

Phoenix 32nd St. VA Clinic Multispecialty Outpatient Clinic
Phoenix, AZ
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year – Honorable Mention
Two Green Globes for New Construction

  • Indoor Water Use Reduction: 34.8%

  • Outdoor Water Use Reduction: 50%

  • Energy Use Reduction: 36%

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

Release of GBI’s Second ANSI Standard,
Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2023

Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2023 was released to the public in September, following the publication of GBI’s second standard, ANSI/GBI 02-2023: Green Globes Assessment Protocol for Existing Buildings, which was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in July.

Notable updates to Green Globes EB 2023 include:

  • Pathways for Net Zero Carbon and Net Zero Energy

  • Additional points for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

  • Updates to Health and Wellness

  • Refined Cleaning and Disinfection options

Out of 138 projects that were certified in 2023 for Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2021:

  • 95% completed a Phase I Site Assessment per ASTM standards

  • 76% are within .5 miles of the closest public transit spot

  • 86% installed energy-efficient windows

  • 70% installed energy-saving HVAC systems

  • 68% have taken steps to analyze and reduce peak energy demand

  • Over 70% of multifamily projects have installed WaterSense showerheads and WaterSense aerators on lavatory fixtures

  • 93% have a construction, renovation and demolition waste management policy, procedure, and plan for cycle renovation(s)

  • 96% have a purchasing policy that includes the requirement
    for purchasing energy saving equipment

  • 92% are following IES requirements based upon the
    building type

  • 100% have convenient and assessable potable water for occupants

  • 79% include an exercise room and/or fitness center or
    gives access to an off-site fitness facility available for use
    by building occupants

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

“GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero programs provide the needed incentive for every building owner to evaluate their progress toward net zero objectives. The key is to get owners started and this program provides them with time- and cost-effective validation of their progress that can then be used to support regulatory compliance and ESG reporting.”
-Vicki Worden, GBI President & CEO

GBI invited buildings and portfolios to pilot both Green Globes Journey to Net Zero.
Over 170 buildings representing nearly 100 million square feet of all types of commercial real estate participated, including three leading portfolios. Various asset classes in almost every ASHRAE Climate Zone were represented to ensure program accessibility and applicability.

GBI also completed its first public input period in August 2023 to collect feedback and make necessary adjustments. Following the input period, development began on a software application to deliver the JNZ program through GBI’s online platform.

Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ) Development & Pilot Program

In July, GBI announced two new programs in its suite of third-party assessment and certification tools: Green Globes Journey to Net Zero Energy and Green Globes Journey to Net Zero Carbon. These programs support building and portfolio owners’ efforts to establish baselines, measure progress, and ensure compliance with building performance standards, municipal regulations, federal sustainability objectives, and ESG reporting requirements.

GBI’s programs simplify certification and recognition of net zero achievements using time- and cost-effective tools and processes. The two programs are designed to provide a graduated opportunity to validate progress over time. The programs support new buildings and major renovations (“designed to achieve”), existing buildings, and portfolios.

Phone: (503) 274-0448


Better Buildings, Together.

The Green Globes questionnaire reminded us of the many design features that should be considered and ensured that they were implemented from the beginning, as integral project components. This helped to prevent any elimination of features at the last minute to achieve budget savings.
David Lopes, Founder & Principal at Coast Design Inc.

GBI Holds First Two Public Input Periods
to Improve Non-Standards Programs

GBI held two public input processes in its commitment for continuous improvement and transparency of non-standard documents. GBI’s newest rating system, Green Globes Journey to Net Zero, held its first period in August. Another public input period was initiated in December to gather input on proposed minimum requirements for the following Green Globes programs: Existing Buildings 2023, New Construction 2024, Sustainable Interiors 2024, and Core & Shell 2024.
The public input process is a crucial part of GBI’s process to garner feedback on items that require peer review or where GBI leaders and/or staff will benefit from guidance and feedback from the public.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

International Mass Timber Conference
GBI’s Nina Armstrong & Christopher Binder at NAIOP's CRE Converge, Seattle, WA.

From Across the GBI Community
In May, GBI members including Assessors, community partners, and Green Globes end users gathered at a TopGolf in Atlanta, GA for GBI’s second annual Spring Social member event.

GBI 2023 Individual & Organizational Growth

  • 127 new GGEPs

  • 96 new Green Globes Professionals & Guiding Principles Compliance Professionals

  • 20 new organizational members

Green Globes & Guiding Principles Compliance Fellow Class of 2023

Membership by Industry
A/E/C Firm 48.8%
Sustainability Consultant 15.1%
Product Manufacturer 10.2%
Non-Profit / Association 10.2%
CRE / Building Owner / Developer 6.3%
Government 2.9%
Energy Provider 2.4%
Financial 2.4%
Education 1.5%


For Professionals and Students

GBI continues to offer cost-effective educational opportunities and resources to our community. Each November, GBI offers a discount on all professional credential trainings and renewals. For each GGP or GPCP training purchased, GBI matches a complimentary GGEP training package for a student or professional early in their career.

As always, GBI webinars are complimentary, and recordings are made publicly available on our website. GBI tools and resources, including the Technical Reference Manuals and Project Checklists, are also available on our website at no cost.

GBI released its first CEU Library in October, available to all active GBI credential holders. The library launched with five courses, totaling 9.5 CEU credits (5.5 LU/4 HSW).

Expanding our Community
through Education & Collaboration

Learn more about the Fellow Class of 2023

GBI’s community is critical to the advancement of our vision and mission. We are fortunate to work alongside subject matter experts who devote their time and energy to the development of Green Globes standards, to improve the built environment’s impact on climate and society.

GBI welcomed 223 new individuals into our community under GBI’s suite of professional credentials including Green Globes Professional (GGP), Guiding Principles Compliance Professional (GPCP), and Green Globes Emerging Professional (GGEP).

GBI’s Fellow distinction recognizes those who have demonstrated outstanding success in the improvement of the built environment through GBI’s Green Globes or Guiding Principles Compliance programs. Fellows are expert users of the Green Globes and/or Guiding Principles Compliance programs who contribute to the shaping of GBI’s educational content and tool development and are regarded as exceptional leaders in the green building industry. Fellows drive innovation and support others’ commitments to reduce the impacts of climate change.

The Class of 2023, announced in December, consisted of five Green Globes Fellows and two Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows. All 34 Fellows can be found in the Fellow Directory.

Live Events & Training
In November, GBI hosted the first live credential training at Clemson University for civil engineering students and capital facilities professionals. The in-person training proved to be a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and skill enhancement, credentialling six new GGEPs and seven GGPs. Attendees immersed themselves in a comprehensive curriculum tailored to the latest trends and practices in sustainable design and construction. Clemson University’s commitment to excellence in education was evident throughout the training, leaving attendees equipped with valuable tools and welcoming them into the GBI community.

Our team delivered four live webinars, attended 27 events in 12 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada, and hosted 4 live seminars in Boston, New York, Houston, and Toronto.

GBI Members at GBI’s Houston Sustainable Buildings & Decarbonization Seminar.

LEYTON Partnership

GBI announced a strategic partnership with Leyton, offering dual assessment for Green Globes whole building certification and IRA funded tax incentives, including 179D and 45L. Leyton, an international consulting firm, provides verification for financial incentives, including tax deductions and credits for qualifying energy-efficient commercial, mixed use, and multifamily buildings. Building owners and designers may simultaneously pursue Green Globes certification and financial incentives, directly supporting GBI’s vision to increase affordability and accessibility of sustainable, healthy, and resilient buildings for all.

The two organizations are streamlining the process, support structure, and documentation required for their dual-path approach. In addition, the Leyton performed energy model may be used to achieve Green Globes Energy Performance credit. Read more.

2023 Building Industry
Advisory Council (BIAC) Members

Become A GBI Member

The Building Industrial Advisory Council (BIAC) consists of GBI’s most committed organizational members who receive first look at new tools and services by GBI and provide critical industry insight.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

2023 GBI Members of the Year

GBI Member of the Year awards are given annually during GBI’s Member Appreciation Week to an organization and an individual who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to improving the built environment’s impact on climate and society.

This year, GBI was pleased to announce David Griffin III (Principal, Griffin EnerG Consulting) as the Individual Member of the Year and Fitzgerald Associates as the Organizational Member of the Year. Read the press release.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.







In Trouble


Reason for Concern


Room to


GBI's Net Champion Score in 2023 was 131,
as determined by the brand awareness and reputation survey.


Room to


Have Not Seen
Score Above 190


Net Champion Score

(% with ‘Very Favorable’ Overall Impression + % of those who ‘Already Have’ Recommended + % of those who ‘Haven’t Yet But Would’ Recommend)

Brand Reputation Survey

GBI conducted an official brand reputation survey in the first quarter of 2023, aimed at capturing organization and product perception and understanding brand awareness. A survey was deployed to nearly 20,000 potential respondents within six key audiences. The survey results allow GBI to make informed strategic brand decisions, understand client insight based on audience preferences, and identify and measure against key business metrics. GBI will use 2023 results as a baseline and deploy follow up surveys every three years.

Phone: (503) 274-0448

Better Buildings, Together.

GBI Board Members & Staff attended the first annual Hill Day.

Promoting an Open Market

Accessibility also means ensuring there is choice in validation and certification tools. GBI celebrated the addition of FIVE NEW cities and municipalities, who added Green Globes certification to their green building policies at the local level, giving developers important access to certification.

GBI continues to expand its outreach and name recognition through continued participation with third-party coalition partners with groups like National Institute of Building Science (NIBS), High Performance Buildings Coalition (HPBC), Building Resilience Advocacy Coalition (BRAC), Net Zero Collaborative, Healthy Workplaces Coalition, 2030 Districts, BASIC and others.

1 of 10

“The Green Globes assessment tool was intuitive & user-friendly. We plan on reviewing it periodically to assist in furthering both our sustainability and health & wellness goals.”
-Jason Clarke, Chief Engineer, CBRE

29 Projects


Sq. Feet

Registrations by Property Category

















Green Globes registrations in 2023 by property category and followed by the top 5 states for registrations.

Expanding our Reach and Certification Impact

In 2023, GBI certified 363 building projects totaling over 84 million square feet in 37 states, Guam, and 3 Canadian provinces. By September, GBI was celebrating the increase of its sustainability impact by certifying 600 million square feet of space. At year end, that number increased to 631 million square feet that was certified with GBI’s Green Globes and Guiding Principles Compliance systems. Multifamily projects continue to lead Green Globes certifications by property type, followed by warehouse/storage, and banking/financial services. Mixed use properties topped asset class growth, with registrations increasing 125% year over year. The state of Nevada certified the most square feet, and in 2023 the state of Florida led in number of project registrations. GBI saw the most significant increase in registered projects in the U.S. in the state of Colorado, at 375% year over year. The most significant increase in Canada was in the province of Quebec at 400% year over year.

GBI's Total Sq. Ft. Certified Exceeds 631 Million in 2023

2 of 10

Outstanding Projects Recognized by GBI During Earth Week 2023

  • Indoor Water Use Reduction: 34.8%

  • Outdoor Water Use Reduction: 50%

  • Energy Use Reduction: 36%

Phoenix, AZ
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year

– Honorable Mention
Two Green Globes for New Construction

Phoenix 32nd St. VA Clinic Multispecialty Outpatient Clinic

New York, NY
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year – Runner Up
Three Green Globes for Existing Buildings + Green Globes Health & Wellness Distinction

1540 Broadway Class A Office Building

  • New direct expansion (DX) units on every floor
    for cooling

  • Building management systems (BMS) and Nantum software that monitor occupancies and control building systems

  • WaterSense plumbing fixtures

  • Elevator modifications for higher efficiencies

  • Occupancy and daylighting sensors and LED lighting for optimal use and efficiency

  • MERV 13 filters in offices and MERV 15 in the fitness center to boost air quality

  • Use of healthy and environmentally friendly materials

  • Highly reflective surface & finishes

  • Skylights for natural lighting

  • Industrial LED high bay lighting

  • Occupancy and daylight lighting controls

  • Natural ventilation for cooling

  • Industrial style fans for air movement

  • VRF split systems (office only)

  • High efficiency heating systems (warehouse only)

  • High performance exterior wall design

  • ENERGY STAR rated TPO roofing surface

  • Site stormwater management

  • A “Park like” landscape campus

  • 3.029 MW Photovoltaic system

  • 6,732 Solar panels

  • One of the largest privately developed renewable energy systems (PV) in the Midwest

  • Moving the building’s energy operations towards Net Zero

Romeoville, IL
2022 Green Globes Project of the Year
Three Green Globes for Core & Shell

Pinnacle XXIV/ Crate & Barrel Warehouse/Distribution Facility

GBI recognized the fourth annual Green Globes Project of the Year winners, among projects certified in 2022, during Earth Week 2023 in a virtual awards ceremony. A panel of judges selected Pinnacle XXIV/Crate & Barrel in Romeoville, IL for its Three Green Globes achievement under Green Globes for New Construction. The April 19 ceremony also recognized Runner-Up 1540 Broadway in New York, and Honorable Mention to the VA Phoenix Clinic in Arizona. Learn more about the 2022 award winners.

3 of 10

Out of 138 projects that were certified in 2023 for Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2021:

  • 95% completed a Phase I Site Assessment per ASTM standards

  • 76% are within .5 miles of the closest public
    transit spot

  • 86% installed energy-efficient windows

  • 70% installed energy-saving HVAC systems

  • 68% have taken steps to analyze and reduce peak energy demand

  • Over 70% of multifamily projects have installed WaterSense showerheads and WaterSense aerators on lavatory fixtures

  • 93% have a construction, renovation and demolition waste management policy, procedure, and plan for cycle renovation(s)

  • 96% have a purchasing policy that includes the requirement for purchasing energy saving equipment

  • 92% are following IES requirements based upon the building type

  • 100% have convenient and assessable potable water for occupants

  • 79% include an exercise room and/or fitness center or gives access to an off-site fitness facility available for use by building occupants

Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2023 was released to the public in September, following the publication of GBI’s second standard, ANSI/GBI 02-2023: Green Globes Assessment Protocol for Existing Buildings, which was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in July.

Notable updates to Green Globes EB 2023 include:

  • Pathways for Net Zero Carbon and Net Zero Energy

  • Additional points for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

  • Updates to Health and Wellness

  • Refined Cleaning and Disinfection options

Release of GBI’s Second ANSI Standard,
Green Globes for Existing Buildings 2023

4 of 10

GBI invited buildings and portfolios to pilot both Green Globes Journey to Net Zero.
Over 170 buildings representing nearly 100 million square feet of all types of commercial real estate participated, including three leading portfolios. Various asset classes in almost every ASHRAE Climate Zone were represented to ensure program accessibility and applicability.

GBI also completed its first public input period in August 2023 to collect feedback and make necessary adjustments. Following the input period, development began on a software application to deliver the JNZ program through GBI’s online platform.

“GBI’s Green Globes Journey to Net Zero programs provide the needed incentive for every building owner to evaluate their progress toward net zero objectives. The key is to get owners started and this program provides them with time- and cost-effective validation of their progress that can then be used to support regulatory compliance and ESG reporting.”
-Vicki Worden, GBI President & CEO

In July, GBI announced two new programs in its suite of third-party assessment and certification tools: Green Globes Journey to Net Zero Energy and Green Globes Journey to Net Zero Carbon. These programs support building and portfolio owners’ efforts to establish baselines, measure progress, and ensure compliance with building performance standards, municipal regulations, federal sustainability objectives, and ESG reporting requirements.

GBI’s programs simplify certification and recognition of net zero achievements using time- and cost-effective tools and processes. The two programs are designed to provide a graduated opportunity to validate progress over time. The programs support new buildings and major renovations (“designed to achieve”), existing buildings, and portfolios.

Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ) Development & Pilot Program

5 of 10

"The Green Globes questionnaire reminded us of the many design features that should be considered and ensured that they were implemented from the beginning, as integral project components. This helped to prevent any elimination of features at the last minute to achieve budget savings."
David Lopes, Founder & Principal at Coast Design Inc.

GBI held two public input processes in its commitment for continuous improvement and transparency of non-standard documents. GBI’s newest rating system, Green Globes Journey to Net Zero, held its first period in August. Another public input period was initiated in December to gather input on proposed minimum requirements for the following Green Globes programs: Existing Buildings 2023, New Construction 2024, Sustainable Interiors 2024, and Core & Shell 2024. The public input process is a crucial part of GBI’s process to garner feedback on items that require peer review or where GBI leaders and/or staff will benefit from guidance and feedback from the public.

GBI Holds First Two Public Input Periods
to Improve Non-Standards Programs

6 of 10

GBI announced a strategic partnership with Leyton, offering dual assessment for Green Globes whole building certification and IRA funded tax incentives, including 179D and 45L. Leyton, an international consulting firm, provides verification for financial incentives, including tax deductions and credits for qualifying energy-efficient commercial, mixed use, and multifamily buildings. Building owners and designers may simultaneously pursue Green Globes certification and financial incentives, directly supporting GBI’s vision to increase affordability and accessibility of sustainable, healthy, and resilient buildings for all.

The two organizations are streamlining the process, support structure, and documentation required for their dual-path approach. In addition, the Leyton performed energy model may be used to achieve Green Globes Energy Performance credit. Read more.

LEYTON Partnership

Our team delivered four live webinars, attended 27 events in 12 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada, and hosted 4 live seminars in Boston, New York, Houston, and Toronto.

GBI Members at GBI’s Houston Sustainable Buildings & Decarbonization Seminar.

In November, GBI hosted the first live credential training at Clemson University for civil engineering students and capital facilities professionals. The in-person training proved to be a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and skill enhancement, credentialling six new GGEPs and seven GGPs. Attendees immersed themselves in a comprehensive curriculum tailored to the latest trends and practices in sustainable design and construction. Clemson University’s commitment to excellence in education was evident throughout the training, leaving attendees equipped with valuable tools and welcoming them into the GBI community.

Live Events & Training

GBI continues to offer cost-effective educational opportunities and resources to our community. Each November, GBI offers a discount on all professional credential trainings and renewals. For each GGP or GPCP training purchased, GBI matches a complimentary GGEP training package for a student or professional early in their career.

As always, GBI webinars are complimentary, and recordings are made publicly available on our website. GBI tools and resources, including the Technical Reference Manuals and Project Checklists, are also available on our website at no cost.

GBI released its first CEU Library in October, available to all active GBI credential holders. The library launched with five courses, totaling 9.5 CEU credits (5.5 LU/4 HSW).

For Professionals and Students

International Mass Timber Conference
GBI’s Nina Armstrong & Christopher Binder at NAIOP's CRE Converge, Seattle, WA.

From Across the GBI Community
In May, GBI members including Assessors, community partners, and Green Globes end users gathered at a TopGolf in Atlanta, GA for GBI’s second annual Spring Social member event.

  • 127 new GGEPs

  • 96 new Green Globes Professionals & Guiding Principles Compliance Professionals

  • 20 new organizational members

GBI 2023 Individual & Organizational Growth

Membership by Industry
A/E/C Firm 48.8%
Sustainability Consultant 15.1%
Product Manufacturer 10.2%
Non-Profit / Association 10.2%
CRE / Building Owner / Developer 6.3%
Government 2.9%
Energy Provider 2.4%
Financial 2.4%
Education 1.5%

Green Globes & Guiding Principles Compliance Fellow Class of 2023

GBI’s community is critical to the advancement of our vision and mission. We are fortunate to work alongside subject matter experts who devote their time and energy to the development of Green Globes standards, to improve the built environment’s impact on climate and society.

GBI welcomed 223 new individuals into our community under GBI’s suite of professional credentials including Green Globes Professional (GGP), Guiding Principles Compliance Professional (GPCP), and Green Globes Emerging Professional (GGEP).

GBI’s Fellow distinction recognizes those who have demonstrated outstanding success in the improvement of the built environment through GBI’s Green Globes or Guiding Principles Compliance programs. Fellows are expert users of the Green Globes and/or Guiding Principles Compliance programs who contribute to the shaping of GBI’s educational content and tool development and are regarded as exceptional leaders in the green building industry. Fellows drive innovation and support others’ commitments to reduce the impacts of climate change.

The Class of 2023, announced in December, consisted of five Green Globes Fellows and two Guiding Principles Compliance Fellows. All 34 Fellows can be found in the Fellow Directory.

Expanding our Community
through Education & Collaboration

7 of 10

The Building Industrial Advisory Council (BIAC) consists of GBI’s most committed organizational members who receive first look at new tools and services by GBI and provide critical industry insight.

2023 Building Industry
Advisory Council (BIAC) Members

8 of 10

GBI Member of the Year awards are given annually during GBI’s Member Appreciation Week to an organization and an individual who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to improving the built environment’s impact on climate and society.

This year, GBI was pleased to announce David Griffin III (Principal, Griffin EnerG Consulting) as the Individual Member of the Year and Fitzgerald Associates as the Organizational Member of the Year. Read the press release.

2023 GBI Members of the Year

9 of 10


GBI's Net Champion Score in 2023 was 131,
as determined by the brand awareness and reputation survey.

(% with ‘Very Favorable’ Overall Impression + % of those who ‘Already Have’ Recommended + % of those who ‘Haven’t Yet But Would’ Recommend)

Net Champion Score

GBI conducted an official brand reputation survey in the first quarter of 2023, aimed at capturing organization and product perception and understanding brand awareness. A survey was deployed to nearly 20,000 potential respondents within six key audiences. The survey results allow GBI to make informed strategic brand decisions, understand client insight based on audience preferences, and identify and measure against key business metrics. GBI will use 2023 results as a baseline and deploy follow up surveys every three years.

Brand Reputation Survey

10 of 10

GBI Board Members & Staff attended the first annual Hill Day.

Accessibility also means ensuring there is choice in validation and certification tools. GBI celebrated the addition of FIVE NEW cities and municipalities, who added Green Globes certification to their green building policies at the local level, giving developers important access to certification.

GBI continues to expand its outreach and name recognition through continued participation with third-party coalition partners with groups like National Institute of Building Science (NIBS), High Performance Buildings Coalition (HPBC), Building Resilience Advocacy Coalition (BRAC), Net Zero Collaborative, Healthy Workplaces Coalition, 2030 Districts, BASIC and others.

Promoting an Open Market

Better Buildings, Together.

Phone: (503) 274-0448